Getting Started
Important onboarding information about infrastructure, team integration, and WordPress site migration.
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Your WordPress site’s new infrastructure
Grab an espresso and let's show you around your new home!
GDPR compliance
Execute the Data Processing agreement in simple steps.
Integrate your team with Pressidium
Role-based Dashboard users, additional SFTP accounts, and database access.
What’s that “Service-pending” message on Dashboard?
It might happen that you login and see this message on your Dashboard, but do not be alarmed.
Migrate your WordPress sites
Issue a Migration Request
Fill-out a simple form, and let us do all the work!
How to use the Migration Wizard (for DIY migrations)
Learn how to do a migration on your own.
How can I test my migrated site before I switch DNS?
You will need to edit your operating system's hosts file.
How do I manually create an archive for the Migration Auto-Importer?
Find out about the various ways.
Which formats does the Migration Wizard support?
A short list of the database archive filenames, vendors, and supported formats.
Get Started Today, Risk Free
Don't wait. Try Pressidium now and take your WordPress site to the next level.