Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsSwitch your PHP runtimeChoose different PHP-engine versions for production and staging. March 25, 2023Read more
Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsHow to password protect your WordPress site using Basic AuthenticationQuickly setup a password protection authentication mechanism March 25, 2023Read more
Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsEnable the WordPress editorToggle this switch to enable the internal WordPress editor March 25, 2023Read more
Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsEnable the CDN serviceYou will need this, if your site is media-heavy. March 25, 2023Read more
Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsEnable WordPress debug logsToggle this switch to set the WP_DEBUG variable. March 25, 2023Read more
Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsHow to override php.ini variablesChanges like these can be potentially harmful, so we evaluate every request. March 25, 2023Read more
Manage your WordPress sites - Configure your WP site settingsWP-CRON on PressidiumWhy is DISABLE_WP_CRON set to true? March 25, 2023Read more